Nakki Lake – 1km
The love-lake of the virgin & Sage Balam Rasia. It is believed that the Gods formed the lake by digging it with their finger nails "nakki" hence the name Nakki Lake. It is a popular spot for Boating.
Distance from the Hotel: 1 kilometres
Driving time: 5 min

Sunset Point – 2 Kms
Spectacular sight offers view of the Crimson colours of dusk kissing the lush plains on the horizon.
Distance from the Hotel: 2 kilometres
Driving time: 10 min

Om Shanti Bhavan – 2 Kms.
The universal peace hall of international peace & harmony.
Distance from the Hotel: 2 kilometres
Driving time: 10 min

Honeymoon Point – 2.5 Kms
The Gemini walks hand in hand into the view of verdant valley also known as the Anadra Point & the view of sunset from Ganesh Temple is also vibrant.
Distance from the Hotel: 2.5 kilometres
Driving time: 10 min

Delwara Temples – 3Kms
Marvels in white marble known for their rich intricate carvings. The three - dimensional art is at its best. One may not be able to believe even that these are the work of human hands. this is the wonder of the world.
Distance from the Hotel: 3 kilometres
Driving time: 13 min

Gau Mukh – 4Kms.
A little brook flowing from the mouth of a marble cow. This is a very good pienie spot.
Distance from the Hotel: 4 kilometres
Driving time: 18 min

Peace Park – 9Kms
The beautiful landscaped garden made by Brahma Kumari Ashram. This is really eden on earth.
Distance from the Hotel: 9 kilometres
Driving time: 22 min

Guru shikhar – 15Kms
The Adobe of Dattatrya Muni at the highest peak of the Aravalis rising upto 5760 ft. above mean sea level. It affords a panoramie view of the adjoining areas.
Distance from the Hotel: 15 kilometres
Driving time: 40 min